
Expo to focus on sustainable products

Ararat - Head along to the Grampians House and Garden Expo on Sunday September 11 and find out about the latest sustainable products on the market.

The Expo will focus on the latest innovations for creating more sustainable houses and gardens, with stalls from companies highlighting what is new in the world of retro-fitting to the latest trends in gardens.

The aim of the Expo is to create comfortable homes, while saving you money at the same time. Stalls will include what's new in LED lighting to solar PV and hot water, the latest heating and insulation products on the market, and how to grow your own vegetables.

Exhibitors from across the region will be on hand to provide you with up to the minute information on the latest in sustainable houses and gardens. Come and chat to the exhibitors who will be more than happy to talk through their latest innovations with you.

There will also be a range of guest presenters on hand covering a wide range of topics including building sustainable communities, to up to the minute news on solar products and tips on saving your energy and money. Experts within each field will be on hand to answer your questions.

It promises to be a great day for anyone with an interest in moving to a more sustainable future.

The Expo will be held at the Ararat College from 10am to 3pm, with the house tour leaving at 12.15pm and returning at 3.30pm. Bookings are required for the tour. Phone 5355 0200.

The Expo is being offered by the Refit n' Save Program in conjunction with Ararat Rural City Council, Central Victoria Solar City and Ararat Greenhouse Action Group.

