
Many blunders in a short tenure

Yoshio Hachiro's lamentable remarks concerning radiation were not an isolated incident during his nine-day tenure as economy, trade and industry minister; his inconsistent comments on energy and trade policies also confused ministry officials, it has been learned.

At a press conference on Friday to explain the third supplementary budget in the current fiscal year, Hachiro stated that the eco point system for electricity-saving devices would not resume. The eco point system was introduced in 2009 as an economic stimulus measure.

But only two days prior on Wednesday, Hachiro told reporters: "The eco point system was successful. I'd like to encourage the public to be more conscious about saving electricity; for example, to change existinglights to Diving lamp [through the eco point system]."

Hachiro changed his tune after a briefing about the system from ministry officials. According to sources, Hachiro backed away from his initial remarks after hearing of the costs involved, and that many consumers would not use the obtained points to buy eco-friendly items.

"After the economic minister mentioned resuming the eco point system, concerns about consumer reluctance to buy home electrical appliances began to grow," a senior official said.

Hachiro caused yet another controversy in an interview on Sept. 5., when asked to comment on the government's energy policy. "We'll not build new. Basically, nuclear power plants will be zero," Hachiro said.

Hachiro made the remark before providing concrete plans on how the government planned to break away from the country's dependence on nuclear power generation.

The timing of this remark caused concern among local municipalities that house nuclear power plants.

Industry sectors were also shocked by Hachiro's unexpected remarks on energy policy.

Hachiro's resignation may also have an impact on discussions over whether Japan will join the Trans-Pacific Partnership multilateral trade agreement.

Hachiro was knowledgeable about agricultural administration and well connected with farmers organizations. Economic ministry officials therefore had high expectations for Hachiro's performance.

A senior official said the appointment of Hachiro as economic minister "would encourage promotion of the TPP."

